BRR. That is all. BRR. |
Health: Whooping cough and flu.
Jeep: Broken down.
Weather: -14F
Washing Machine: Dead.
Pioneer Hours: Behind.
Current number of people in my household: 11.
Numerous other issues not fit for the blog: And counting.
Regrets: 0.
Wow. I'll tell you what. I've had one hectic few weeks. You know the ol' saying: "When it rains, it pours?"
Well you didn't have to prove it! One thing after another, everything went downhill and decided to break on us, all at once! That seems to be the pattern that has ever been set. Still, I have 0 regrets. Why's that?
Just like the most recent Watchtower study said, there is no use in focusing on the negative. While you can't ignore it, don't dwell. Fix what you can, endure what you cannot, and look ahead!
Christian Courage is not self reliance! So with that said, let's focus on something more positive!
-Drum roll please-
Witnessing to a Rural Russian Village outside of Homer, Alaska!
*confetti* *cheer* *flash*
Making myself available and being a little creative, I can serve where the need is greater right here in my home Horizon while I prepare for my Next Skyline. A few sisters in Homer helped solidify my realization when they invited me to go in field with them.Little did I know, but I was in for a real treat. You see, I was in Homer for work for a few weeks, so on the weekend I agreed to go with them in the ministry. Then, one of the sisters called and said that she wanted me to drive because we needed my 4x4 Jeep.
Uh...what for?
"For the Russian Village, of course!"
Oh, right! The Russian Village, what else?
...Wait, the Russian Village?
At the end of the road out of Homer, there is a gravel road. At the end of the gravel road, there is a dirt road. At the end of the dirt road, there is a trail down the edge of the cliff. At the end of the trail, there is a beach. A little ways down the beach is another trail, that turns into a small road. That road leads into the very rural, and very small Russian Village, where 30 to 40 houses rest. This was our territory for the DC invitation work. Well paint me surprised (and relived we survived the insane trail down the cliff), and call me Sally. (don't really, that would be silly. Sally? Come on) What else to do but get started?
First person we talked to responded very kindly, but gave us a fair warning that many would not give us ear, as they are very, very devout Russian Orthodox. Fair enough, we thought, but we must try if they would allow us. And allow they did. Though we met one or two who were very guarded and told us: "You're in the wrong village!", we admired their devotion and pressed forward. Walking the village, we got to see everything from quaint cabins, small village life, to towering mountains, the beautiful inlet, and many other wonders of Jehovah's doing.
We covered the whole village that day, sharing Russian literature and the invitation to the DC held in Anchorage. Some of the villagers spoke wonderful English, which made it easy to speak with them, but some of them really didn't speak much English at all. Pretty much all they said was 'Hello!' and nodded with a warm smile, but being upright and breathing made them a target for us! (Completely appropriate laughing fit) After a while we began to get tired, so we plopped off the small village road and rested in the tall grass and warmth of a Summer Sun in Alaska. As we did, the others in our little group returned from a house to join us. They were just given a gift of vegetables from one of the villagers, so we all shared the freshly grown nom noms as I nearly fell asleep in the grass. What a dreamy feeling I got laying there, thinking about everything we had found that day, though a tad tired from preaching and walking. I was more appreciative for the further blessings Jehovah had given me, and the opening of my mind to the possibilities so near to my own home. I never thought I'd see such a wonderful experience so close!
After we finished the last house, we headed back to my Jeep, waving goodbye once again to the man that we first talked to, (who's business brought him across our path a number of times that day). We drove away so very content, and made a few calls on the way back to Homer. After a wonderful experience, finally I dropped everyone off at the Kingdom Hall, and made my way back to the small cabin I was staying at for work, only about 1 1/2 hours from Kenai, home.
With that experience, I've decided that while I prepare for my Next Skyline of serving where the Need is Great, I'll make the most of the Horizon of home. I'm planning to start setting aside whole days to take on the different Villages throughout our large territory here in Alaska. Who knows what I might find, serving where Jehovah sends me?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Thank you, Jehovah.
Ps. And a special thanks to the sisters who invited me to join them that day! They helped me see the Need and contentment to be found in my Home Horizons.
Pss. Thanks again, readers, for encouraging me to keep up writing.
Psss. I could write a whole new post just on pssssss's.
Pssss. Questions, comments, suggestions, recipes, etc, etc, drop me an email or comment. You should know that by now, though. Yeah?
Wow!! What an amazing experience to read! No doubt Jehovah will continue using you in any way he can Trevor :) Keep up the good work & thanks for sharing!
ReplyDelete- A stranger named Adi...
Dear stranger named Adi,
DeleteWhy hello! You wouldn't happen to know the Adi that isn't a stranger, would you? Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it. More to come in the future.
Hey young bro! Have to say young bro, tho I don't know how old you are, but apparently chronologically (and according to the bible's 70 or 80 yrs of man's lifespan) I'm middle-aged and from what i can see, you don't look middle-aged. Ok, get to the point you say? Oh, oh, yea, that...I just stumbled on your blog today. So glad I did. In fact, I just started reading blogs today. (Is this person for real?) Yes, as I pinch myself, I'm real. Just hadn't got around to the whole blogging thing. Well, as my even more middle-aged sister (don't tell her I said that. Oh yea, you don't know her, or me for that matter) is heading to a first time need great assignment, I decided to look into reading some other friend's experiences.
ReplyDeleteAs I started reading your blog, and recovering from some really good belly laughs, I thought "this young man reminds me of me". Now, what could a 40 yr old, married, mom of three from Dallas, Tx, possibly have in common with a younger/ish single bro from Alaska? I LOVE your free-spirited love for Jah. I'm so glad you didn't stop writing! You have been really encouraging! I will def make sure my kiddos look at your blog, as we have goals to need-great as a fam! I have a son whose on bethel track and 2 beautiful teenaged daughters. They shld be ready to settle down when you're ready for that significant other. Lol...I will def be following your journey! Keep it coming.
HA! You thought I forgot about you, didn't you? Well I didn't. And shame on you for thinking I would ever forget about one of my readers. Shame.
DeleteSeriously, though, hello.
Middle aged? Puhlease. That isn't middle aged. Oh, 40? Wait, no that is middle aged. Or so I am told, though I don't personally see it that way. It seems so young... I personally feel like the closer I get to 30, the younger it feels. I also felt that way about 25 and 20. I wonder if that trend will continue to 40? Hm. If I am still blogging then, I will let you know.
Anyway, on to your comment. Need Greaters Unite! I am always glad to hear of more brothers and sisters that are striving to serve where there is a greater need. I hope all goes well with her, and that Jehovah continues to bless you and your oh so young sister.
And about your daughters. Do they know you are making such offers?! Haha, just kidding! They can read along all they want! A new post is coming up!
My oh-so-young-middle-agish sis is having a BLAST!!! I was there with her for 10 days and I also had same BLAST!!! Jehovah is amazing! This brotherhood is amazing! And I continue to be encouraged by you youngish ones giving of yourself wholeheartedly to Jehovah. �� daughters were appalled at my offer! I wonder why?�� exciting to hear that you are reapplying for Bethel! You know Our Father will place you where He needs you the most.
Please continue to be an encourager! We so need that now-a-days.
Middle-aged Momma from Texas (kinda like the whole middle-aged thing)��
Aniki! Happened to stumble across your blog just now and it was such a coincidence! Just today I was discussing future plans with my Dad and he asked me, "what if they send you to Alaska?" Haha! I'm happy to say I replied, "I'd go" without a second thought :-) ...not until later anyway... Reading this blog is such a reminder that Jehovah gives his people a spirit of courage and he strengthens us when needed as well as sometimes when it's just wanted! Thank you for the encouragement as well from one of the earlier blogs about going to Bethel! I can't even sleep because I will be visiting Bethel in two weeks and I plan to turn in my application while I'm there. Thanks again and keep up your hard work!
DeleteWell how happy I am that you stumbled across my blog! There are some great blogs out here from the brothers and sisters, and they have some amazing stories and experiences. Anyway, if you ever did come to Alaska, we'd be sure to give you a real Alaskan experience! Which pretty much means dunking you in a frozen lake. With snow. And bears. And a moose. Not a momma moose, because they get really angry with someone around their calves. Not their literal calves, like on their legs, but like their little moose babies.
As regards Bethel, all the power to you! Jehovah will make sure that no matter where you are, you're taken care of, but in Bethel you can learn so much! And it feels so good to be able to serve him with all of your power every single day! Every waking moment can be used to serve him, and not Satan or his world. What an experience it is, as you will see when you pass by the brothers and sisters while you visit.
All the best to you, and may Jehovah be with you in all your endeavors!